School Bus
The Ministry of Education provide a free bus service to and from school for students in the Mauriceville area living further than 3.2 km from school. Families living within 3.2 km of school must make their own arrangements to travel to and from school. Some families unable to meet the bus maybe eligible for a Conveyance Allowance to help cover transport costs.
Go Bus
Go Bus are currently contracted by the Ministry of Education to provide a bus service to and from Mauriceville School for all students that are eligible. Please contact the school for more details on the bus route.
The school also owns a 12 seater minivan which is used to transport students to and from external school programmes such as Designcraft and Rural Schools days.
Changes to Normal Bus Arrangements
If your child does not require pick up in the morning please text the van driver. You must also contact the school if your child is away from school that day and let us know why. If there are changes to the afternoon drop off you MUST let the school know. We will not drop a child to a different house without parental permission. You can phone the office or Facebook the school. There is not always someone in the office, please DON’T leave a message as these are not always checked at the end of school – keep trying until someone answers. If you message us via Facebook we will acknowledge the message if it has been read, if you don’t receive a reply we haven’t seen it.