Essential Information
If your child is absent from school please ring the school office or message us via Facebook. Please ensure you state why your child is not at school, i.e, sick, appointment. It is important that your child’s teacher is aware of any illness or problems. If you don’t contact the office and we are not able to get in touch with you, your child will be classed as truant, and a truancy referral may be activated. Legitimate absences are illness, doctor/dentist/specialist appointments and family bereavements. Family holidays during term time are not considered legitimate absences and need to be discussed with the principal.
It is important that children are at school every day to maximise their learning opportunities.
If you have any concerns with your child’s learning or that relates to in class or friends please contact their teacher first and discuss your concerns. If the problem continues and you remain concerned then contact the principal to discuss the situation.
The school library has a range of books of interest to students and is available for students to borrow books from as required. On occasions we visit the library in Masterton.
Open Door
Parents are welcome to come into school and be involved in school activities, or help out in the classroom. Please contact your child’s teacher or the office to let them know you are coming in. At times we ask for help to supervise and transport students to sports, or out on trips, and appreciate the support from parents and whanau.
During the term we have scheduled events, learning celebrations, whanau evenings etc that we would love you to come along too.
Parent Helpers
We welcome and encourage parents to participate in all school activities and events. There are always opportunities for parents/whanau to help out in the class or around the school if they have the time. We regularly require parents/whanau help with school trips and events. There is a Friends of Mauriceville School (FOMS) group which meets regularly to assist with fundraising. For more information about parent help or fundraising please contact the office.
Reporting to Parents
We hold learning conversations for parents, students and teachers to get together and discuss their child’s learning in Term One and Three. A brief progress report is sent home at the end of Term 2, and a more detail report at the end of the year. Written reports contain information about a child’s progress, next steps, and ways to support their learning at home. Parents are welcome to come in and discuss their child’s learning with us at any time.
Currently the school provides students with stationery at no charge, there are no school fees requested from Whanau. Trips out of the local area may incur a charge.
Trips and Visits
During the year students will participate in a variety of trips and visits related to their unit of student, or extra-curricular activities such as Kapahaka, Art, Sports. We plan to have at least one trip per term. A permission slip for all day trips in the Wairarapa area is signed on enrolment and then sent home at the beginning of each year for re-signing.