Principal’s Message

Tēnā koutou katoa, nau mai haere mai ki te kura o Mauriceville. 

Hello and welcome to our space here at Mauriceville School. Our school is a small rural school situated in a very pretty valley to the North East of Masterton.  With two classes, it offers education for students from Year 1 to Year 8, drawing students from our local area.

Our school is set in a quiet and friendly community, and is well supported by the locals.  We have great kids, with positive attitudes and friendly, knowledgeable staff who provide engaging learning experiences that are both challenging and fun.  We work hard to ensure that our students achieve success, and have high expectations in everything they do. 

The local area provides us with ample opportunities to develop environmental awareness with our students, and as an Enviro-School we work to nurture and sustain the flora and fauna in our area.  The school sits just over the hill from Pūkaha and as a result, our space provides a tranquil setting full of native birds and wildlife.

We aim to provide students with the skills, values and knowledge to become confident life long learners who can create, contribute to and participate in a sustainable future.

Feel free to come in and see us, have a cup of tea, look around and get to know our community. Nau mai, haere mai. 

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa

Megan Roberts